Human Relations in Customer Service

“The customer does not care how much you know until they know how much you care…”

As I sat sipping a cup of hot coffee at my workstation, I began thinking about the back to back business calls that I had been attending since morning. I was working from home and had been a part of only 4 calls which had left me super exhausted both physically and mentally. That is when my mind got diverted to all the CX associates in my office who spend 9 hours just attending a marathon of calls from customers trying to bring smiles to their face by satiating their souls with the best resolution possible. Not to forget all the brunt that they take from the not so happy irate customers as well. All my fatigue just disappeared at the very thought of the hard work (which is so draining) that is expected out of any customer service agent for that matter.

There is a lot more that CX does, and it is established that they deserve a bit more than they get. But the question is, how as a firm can we make them feel a lot more valued?

  • Do we understand what makes the CX associates stay motivated while they deal with customers? What makes them go the extra mile to leave the caller happier than he/she was before calling?
  • Do we do enough to keep this strategic unit, emotionally, professionally, financially secure?
  • Can we imagine the success of industries like e commerce (in particular), banking, travel, hospitality, telecom without them?
  • Have we invested in them enough?

An example of how great and exceptional Customer service can turn around business for a brand in a country like India is Maruti Suzuki. Maruti’s exemplary customer service has given unbeaten competition to the most renowned automotive brands who have tried to capture markets in India over the last few decades.

Likewise, in the e commerce space, Amazon lives by the principle of Customer Obsession. No matter how customers interact with the brand, they listen to their customers, take advantage of data and technology, and create a seamless experience that provides great service and support.

Without getting too technical, I feel that as an HR fraternity we should ponder over a few parameters that can form the core of a successful and a delightful Customer Service Workplace…

–         Our associates are our brand ambassadors. But do we think of them as Brand Ambassadors, when we think of them? They represent the organization to the real customers. They always protect the brand by clearing up for lapses that may have crept in through the long chain of processes.. They can help influence customers and convince them of our strengths over competitors. Thought provoking. Isn’t it?

–         Think about including them in the bigger picture by helping them understand the impact of their work on the business metrics. This might take their motivation levels to a new high and you never know it might help open-up new revenue streams as well.

–         Think about what brings smiles to their face while they focus on doing the same for our esteemed customers. Is it a more personal connect? Is it a pat on the back? Is it appreciation for their hard work? Happy customer service employees will create happy customers.

–         Think about the growth and development avenues for these employees. Are they happy with the work they are doing? Are they expecting growth? If yes, how can we enable that growth for them? How can we help them become successful professionals?

–         Think about having more personal and customized touch points with them just like the personalized service/resolution provided by them for every unique query that they receive from our customers.

–         Let us respect them and be grateful to them for their tireless efforts every day for they are the ones taking that call on our behalf

Even though the Customer Service Industry has been into existence for decades, the slate is still white. Let us put on our thinking hats and paint it in colors that will leave a lasting impression in the minds of our Associates and help them flourish in their chosen path to success.

It is befitting to end with this quote from Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO, Amazon, who aptly identified the delta that Amazon built over competition: “If there’s one reason we have done better than any of our peers in the internet space over the last six years, it is because we have focused like a laser on customer experience.”

Do we need more reasons to start investing in CX and the CX associates? 

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